Oct 29, 2021
Today we sit down with another fellow Rocker from Rock the Trades. He’s as dedicated and transparent as they come and a wealth of knowledge in the HVAC world. You know him as @Northwest_hvac on Instagram. Mr Jamie Christensen joins us today to talk about his journey through the trades.
Jamie’s love for working with his hands started in high school when he got his first car. He loved changing the oil and understanding the mechanics of how it worked. So he eventually went to trade school to learn HVAC, a recommendation from the recruiter.
After graduating, Jamie immediately found work and began his career in the industry. He was unfortunately derailed due to addiction for a few years, but had the incredible self awareness to, not only pull himself out of it, but come back even more dedicated.
After learning and studying any chance he got, he joined the union and climbed the ranks. Now, he’s developed an awesome IG following, reps Rock the Trades, and is in the process of starting his own business.
His definition of success is simple. “Take care of my family, and be happy everyday”
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