Oct 17, 2019
Today's guest is a 3rd generation plumber in a family owned business (Carter Services) in Indianapolis, IN. He grew up like so many; a good kid, but didn't always do great in school. And, most importantly, wasn't exactly sure what he wanted to after high school. Even though he never really saw himself as a plumber, he ended up working in new construction with his dad soon after graduation.
After getting licensed and moving up in the company, Kelson began to notice the trend of technicians being few and far between. This was further enforced while attending job fairs and trade shows, where he noticed that today's youth really doesn't know or care much about the skilled trades.
This inspired him to take advantage of the prideful nature of the blue collar community and embody it into a brand that today's generation can relate to, called Trade Life (#TradeLife).
Once again, Kelson proves that a life in the skilled trades can act as a catalyst for your true passions. No matter what those my be.
Learn more about Kelson at https://tradelife.com or search #TradeLife on instagram @livingthetrade